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  • ASIA ItzYoBoiTazz's Moderator Application I Canada

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Tazzzle, Dec 6, 2016.

    1. ElZaidTM

      ElZaidTM Active Member

      Jan 22, 2017
      Likes Received:
      No support.

    2. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      Look, Taz. You are my friend but I cannot support you right now.
      ~Disrespecting @Mvxine or anyone? Unacceptable...
      ~You keep coming on and off forums. Being active means consistently staying on.
      ~You constantly complain about having your app open for months yet not being promoted. Unfortuunately you'd stand a higher chance if you stayed active here.
      Good luck.
    3. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I would Support, but you haven't checked on this thread in around two weeks.
    4. DontTouchMyPing

      DontTouchMyPing Active Member

      Jan 19, 2017
      Likes Received:
      No Support Not alot of detail sorry
    5. breakfastboy

      breakfastboy Well-Known Member

      Apr 14, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Yea... No support
    6. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.

      I don't care much about applications, and how much info they have. I care about the activity, commitment and dedication one has towards the server. I also care a lot about attitude. You lack in most of these areas. And this is why I do not support you as an applicant.

      Sorry, but good luck!
    7. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support ^
    8. Sparky

      Sparky Retired Head-Mod Premium

      Feb 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons have been stated above.
    9. Puaple

      Puaple Experienced Member

      Jun 20, 2016
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      Sorry, but no support. There are reasons stated but just to get more in depth on the reasons, they will he listed below:
      • Not really active on reports. I know that you might think I'm not active, but that is just because I'm not at home and I can only be on forums as of now.
      • I heard that you left forums, and came back to "apply".
      • Application lacks grammar, for example, let's look at this introduction line of text.
      "Hello! My in real life name is Tyler! Nice to meet you and welcome to my application, I have been a member of mineverse over two or three years, If you don't know me and want to get to know me, that's wonderful! I'd love to introduce you to myself! My name is Tyler and I am turning 14 in January, I have one sibling who is on the autistic spectrum, I have a lot of friends in 7th grade, I am very thankful for you taking your own time reading this and seeing if I can fit a place in a moderator position! so enough chat-chat from me and lets get started :) "

      • It should be with less commas. There are commas when there should be periods. This is the fixed version, feel free to copy paste it.
      (Hello! My in real life name is Tyler! Nice to meet you and welcome to my application(.) I have been a member of mineverse over two or three years(.) If you don't know me and want to get to know me, that's wonderful! I'd love to introduce you to myself! My name is Tyler and I am turning 14 in January(.) I have one sibling who is on the autistic spectrum, I have a lot of friends in 7th grade, too(.) I am very thankful for you taking your own time reading this and seeing if I can fit a place (at a) moderator position! (S)o enough ch(i)t-chat from me and lets get started :))

      • Have not seen you in game.
      • On your traits, you didn't explain how that would help benefit the staff team / server. Please clarify.
      • Suspected arguing, showing a lack of maturity, and one of your traits is being 'Mature', which might have not been true. Be completely honest.
      • Not really active on forums in general.
      • Going back to the traits, on your knowledge area, how does that make you a perfect applicant? Can you list reasons on what knowledge you have?
      • You might want to list experience if not.
      • I heard that your toxic in chat.
      • Other than being active on forums, be active in game. I understand that you might not be active in game if your not at home, but otherwise please dedicate your time more to the server.
      • "I am capable of doing screenshots,..." Clarify, for example, mine craft F2 or other softwares.
      • Disrespect towards players and staff members.
      • Not enough detail.
      • Makes arguements a lot.
      Because of these reasons, I don't think that you are capable of becoming staff. I think this will show a bad image towards the staff and the server if they were to promote you. Feel free to prove me wrong, or change my mind, but I'm sorry, no support.

      If you want me to reconsider, can you please fix upon these things. I also have questions for you.

      Which gamemodes do you play? I have only saw you once in game before.

      Are you improving on reports / activity?

      Just like this post by @Djryan "I don't care much about applications, and how much info they have. I care about the activity, commitment and dedication one has towards the server. I also care a lot about attitude. You lack in most of these areas. And this is why I do not support you as an applicant." I also look for these things in an applicant and/or myself. You haven't convinced me that you have these things.

      (This wasn't meant to be rude or anything of that sort.)
      Last edited: Apr 21, 2017

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