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  • Items needing to be added, removed, or changed in Survival Games

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Yin, Jun 24, 2014.

    1. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hei guys, Yin here.
      Survival Games is a game all about using resources to support a battle against other opponents. Some of the best items are found in chests, or in piles of dead loots, or just dropped to supply more space for the tribute. Although those last two ways work well, the only way they got those are from killing other players, or picked up from a chest. However, killing players will get you loots, but where did they get the loots, chests, or killing another tribute who got it from a chest. It's an ongoing process, but one thing that can stop that process is broken items, overpowered items, and nonexistent items. That's what I want to supplicate to resolve this.

      Before we begin, let's show an official list of what items can be found in a chest, and it's rarity and strength, with a description as to why it has that rarity and strength. For convenience, I'll sort rarity in 3 topics: frequent (most seen), common, and rare. As for strength, I'll sort this as: powerful, useful, and weak

      Wood sword
      Frequent and Useful
      This is a basic weapon, and necessary for lasting survival against a player, excluding whatever field advantage you have. While this is a weak weapon in general, it has something the iron sword cannot do, become a smelting tool, to cook food, which is extremely helpful for when you have a ton of low saturation food. That's why you should always take every wood sword you find.

      Iron sword
      Common and Powerful
      If you know how to use this, and you have the odds in your favor, winning will be something easy. However, having such a hard hitting weapon, and that being rather common, with nothing that comes close to it's strength, makes this weapon overkill.

      Frequent and Weak
      These are useless, considering you can't get a bow. Plus, if we had a bow, we'd have so many arrows, making the arrows become one of the strongest weapons in the game, and can almost never run out. That's considering they leave the arrows in stacks of 5's

      Flint & Steel
      Common and Weak
      Another weapon that doesn't work, and if it did, would be extremely OP. If the weapon were to work, it would last 8 game ticks, or take 3 hearts, but you'd usually regenerate a heart ever 5th tick, so you'd lose 2 and a half hearts of this, plus makes jumping a challenge, so it's a weapon that forces the player to play offensively, despite the disadvantage that player now has, and believe me, if it's landed, you can take out some big competition, so this could be one thing that can stand to the iron sword I mentioned earlier.

      Ender Pearls
      Rare and Powerful
      Why do I label this as a weapon? Throwing this at an opponent is can actually take damage for both of you, so it's a bit of a kamikaze move. Also an easy way to catch up to your opponent in water, or throw to escape and give yourself time. Making this rather helpful

      Raw Porkchop/beef
      Frequent and Useful
      Despite it's low gain and saturation, because of it's commonwealth, you should be able to survive off it.

      Raw Chicken
      Common and Weak
      A bit less common than the porkchops, plus you can get hungry from it, not worth it for it's low gain. If it was cooked, you'd get some satisfaction off it.

      Raw Fish
      Frequent and Weak
      Lowest saturation and gain, and in small stacks, not worth picking up, even if you plan to smelt it.

      Mushroom stew
      Rare and Useful
      Pretty adequate for it's gain and saturation. Definetly something to take when struggling with the food system

      Cooked Porkchops/Steak
      Common and Powerful
      The only reason I say this is common is because wood swords are frequent meaning you can smelt the frequent raw goods. This is something extremely helpful.

      Cooked fish
      Rare and Useful
      While this can be sought as helpful in dark situations, stick with the bigger saturation things you may cook.

      Cooked Chicken
      Rare and Useful
      A bit more ideal from the fish, and a good in-between from the chops. That's all I'll say.

      Golden apples.
      Rare and Powerful
      A game changer. This regenerates 2 hearts, and adds an addition absorption effect, with 2 additional hearts. Plus these always come in pairs of 2, meaning you can regenerate up to 4 hearts, and get 2-4 additional hearts whether or not you spaced the timing out.

      As for the armor, each type of it is balanced out with it's rarities and what not's. Other items inside the game can include bowls, which are useless, since you cannot break mushrooms.

      Now that we have a thesis of what Survival Games has in store, let's reevaluate whether action needs to be taken regarding this item. We'll need to find what is out of line, and making the game just a matter of scavenging to find an OP item and winning. Let's quickly sort what's right and what's wrong with the system, and the solution of it.

      On that list, there's a lot of weapons that seem either pointless, or completely out of line. Items I have in mind are Flint and Steel, Arrows, Iron Swords, and Golden Apples. The flint and Steel has 65 charges, which can be overkill for those caught in the crossfire. Also, if we don't have firetick set to off, we'll have forests being take out, such as the trees in almost all the maps excluding SG 3 (Arena 3). So if we can't get something that can cut the uses of the flint and steel, and a map resetting plugin, we can get rid of this.

      Arrows are strong with bows, which I'll get into when I mention bows should be added. For now, I say that with the power of a bow, the amount of arrows per chest should be nerfed, or just removed in all. However, I made a thread regarding what people would think if we had bows, everybody on there supported it, so it's a 50/50 for me.

      The iron sword is a sensible weapon, the only problems with it is that it's so strong, and doesn't have any competition to go against it. So in order to even out, we'd need to add more weaponry. Stone swords definitely suggested, but that might not back it up with rarity and strength, so we could add axes into the mesh, making the game all the better for survival, bringing up competition for anybody who approaches another.

      Golden apples are too much with everything balanced out, either we need to nerf the strength of it by fiddling with it's properties, or just removing it in general, but it's actually a good idea to supply a substitute, like a health or regeneration potion, or if we can get custom potions in chests, an absorption potion, equivalent to the time and hearts as a golden apple, since that's not as OP, and a bit like 1.5 days, when all gold apples did was 2 hearts of regeneration.

      Bowls are pretty useless, and since we can't break mushrooms, what's the point of it? I think this is one item in need of removal.

      Now that we have the "bad's" discussed, we can say what we can regarding items that should be added. One item I really want is the fishing rod, an item I absolutely thrive for, considering it can represent multiple purposes, whether you want to fish for a strong item, food, or PvP.

      Another item I want added would be the bow, something I asked for a while back. Seemed to get a bit support (http://www.mineverse.com/threads/bows-in-survival-games.1290/), but now that I think about it, arrows are everywhere, and you'd have so many arrows to use and attack with. Making it OP unless we can nerf the amount of arrows, or the power of the bow.

      Well, if all these can be sorted out with the administration and staff team, we might have a very interesting outcome, with some pretty sick games. Hope something is set into place. I based this off a thread I made a few months back regarding the flaws of survival games (http://www.mineverse.com/threads/what-dissapoints-me-about-mineverse-survival-games.4355/). I thought it would be good if we tackled each problem one at a time, making it much more convenient. Hope you guys enjoyed this thread, I had a lot of time to kill :p
      Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
    2. LunaticMC

      LunaticMC Experienced Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      U have putted alot of work in this. Ur list is realy good, SUPPORT
    3. Punisher135709...

      Punisher135709... Experienced Member

      May 4, 2014
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      Total support!
    4. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Glad to see people took the time to read the entire thing :P
    5. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      I really don't want to read this...
      *Favorites Page To Read Later*
    6. herobineanator

      herobineanator Experienced Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      the wood sword id the best wepon guys.
      I played Friday and got quote at spawn: 'herobineanator killed ***** and got ultra kill!'
      I got 6 kills at cornercopia and I only had a wood sword :)
    7. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      I played a game similar to that :P
    8. kirbyo32

      kirbyo32 Well-Known Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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    9. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I support this
      Sometimes I see people running around with diamond swords.. And it's a lot of people.
    10. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Wait, diamonds swords are a thing in this SG? Mai gawd.
    11. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I've found quite a few before :)
    12. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Here? I've played SG since March 2013 and never saw one.
    13. Edward Ray

      Edward Ray Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      That was deeper than Adele rolling in one. Anyways, support.
      Survival Games are just boring. I want something to spice it up.

      I can't believe I actually read this whole thing.
    14. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Oh more info on this diamond sword. It was in a hole that was 2 blocks deep. So I went in the hole and find this diamond sword.. And I can't get back out -_-
    15. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Well, I guess I'll add that to the list ASAP

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