I doubt they will lose their perks. If a donor was to have a lose their perks, cyp would have to go to the donator config perks(group manager) and create a special category for each person that abused the pet perk. That would take a long time unless a moderator could just do it In-game. Otherwise cyp wouldn't go through all that work. Because a donor rank is ONE WHOLE BIG group with perks for people who donate. you should look up more information of how perks/donator systems work
Yeah, for all us prestige sevens and up, arrows are very valuable. Take a pet and "accidentally" put it in front of you, and an arrow that can kill you can be blocked.
larry is saying that if SOME people abuse the pets EVERYONE who has pets will have them removed. Nothing to do with individuals
I for one disagree. Its like /bukkit:me, the whole staff said it was bannable but cyp said it was ok. Since it hasent been removed fully, its not bannable.