Hey guys so when I try logging into MV all the other servers on my MC is fine except MV. When I try to log in it says java exception eve idk something like that. So I was wondering if it was down or osmething? Because I was just about to go on MV to say hi and play but... @Pile @chari @Mvdi @Auzzi @CypriotMerks @Exstatisfy @Ordi
Wait m nonono my friend just told me that the servers gonna reset fully? including ranks and all gamemodes? every hard work and money we spent gone?!!!
Its back up, it was under maintenance, I made a thread about this. You could view the details on what happened.
Okay so ItzArctic Lied then thanks dude! Okay thanks where is your thread can you send me a link? I mean Auzzi might close this thread up so can you post it on my like that profile page on mine
Ty u can close my thread Actually before you do if you close a thread do you like can you check it again?a nvm i figured it out you may close my theread now!
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