Im not sure if macro keybinds are allowed, for example on factions I would like to keybind /heal but I am not sure if It is considered "Hacking" or not. Please help me out.
I use macro's but ones that come with my mouse. Since I have trouble hitting 7-9 I have the back side button on my mouse keybinded as 8 and the front bottom on my mouse keybinded to F5. I can no longer use '\' as /tpaccet because @VaMeSa123 thought it was hacking and banned me. I hope I was able to help somewhat. Cheers!
I just got banned for hacking when i was using macro autoclicker -_- carefull when using it, may look like your hacking.
@canucksfan44 maybe move to Help instead of Guides since this is a question and not a (more or less) informative post on how to do something.