Hello. It would be great if Noob, and Cyp or the Developers could do a command that if you typed /is ban [player] you could ban/deny then from your plot. I'm sure this command would resolve a lot of problems for and Future to come. Reason?: 1) Titan's Stealing Spawners. 2) Privacy. 3) Building. 4) Moving Items.
We have this command right now, I know I've used it before. (Unless it was removed recently or something) Whether it works properly or not... I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it prevents a player from teleporting to an island with '/is warp (Player)'... But we use /warp as our primary way to teleport to a player's island anyway. Support.
A Titan was in /v afking at my iron farm, I have a clue who it is. Skyblock needs an /is ban. You got my support 100%!