Hey!!! Welcome to the InvisPvP official application page. I am mainly looking for allies and truces to help me with everything and will be included in raids. I will be accepting 10-15 applications so apply fast. I just want to say it will be easier to become truce with me rather then to try to become a member of InvisPvP. Application to join my faction! What is your in-game name? What is your rank? What is your skype? How good are you at PvP 1/10? How good of a builder are you 1/10? Why should i pick you over the other 10-15 people? How can i trust you? Application for truce/ally! Whats your faction name? Will you help us when we are in trouble? Why should we truce with you? Who is the owner of your faction? How can i trust you guys? Rules of the faction!! When you find a raid and people are in it tell anyone in our faction or allies to come. If people are in the faction you are raiding, always put a invisibility potion on because we are InvisPvP Don't betray our faction Don't steal things that are really valuable without asking. GOOD LUCK!