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  • intro and farewell yet to be determined..

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by inh, May 10, 2023.

    1. inh

      inh Discord Moderator Discord Moderator

      Jun 19, 2022
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      Hey, hi. I'm itchynosehair. sometimes others shorten the name to 'itchy' or other labels i'm not gonna repeat here :D

      I'm the kind of person that finds intros difficult, with the smallest realization that a measure of self awareness is needed. My vision in that might be narrow, if not out right blind to it.

      Rather as the saying goes "let my actions be my intro". so with that said, its been near 1 year of game play on survival and skyblock. Perhaps you've seen me, and my odorous actions?

      yeah so with what slight insight I might have on myself, I'd have to say I lean more to the technical side of minecraft, than the eye candy building. Function over aesthetics. That said, my skills need much work, if even i can grow them further in either category.

      I'm glad to have met the few that I have so far with little exception and find the game with in the game here on mineverse engaging so far.

      thanks for having me thus far(?)

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      Last edited: May 10, 2023

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