so i was part of an island with two of my other friends (i was the leader of our island) and i wanted to create my own island so i typed in the command :/is makeleader [friends name] and i thought he was the leader so i typed :/island restart and it deleted my island (i know there is no way to get it back im okay with it since my stuff is on another friends island) and i want to create my own but whenever i type in the command :/is restart it says "an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" so is there any way to fix this? and if so how do i fix it?
Well since you didn't do /is leave first I recommend trying that first. If you've already done this make sure that you've gave Leadership to a friend and do /is leave then /is restart. I hope I helped, have a good day/night!
Locking as inactive, feel free to make another thread if this is still an issue: Closing & archiving.