TBH I wish we could play together more often and also thx I'm da m8ster of clikb8 TBH ur not a pickle...ur a BANANA PAINTED GREEN TBH I think of you as the Uncle of Mineverse. You are an old player of mineverse, and you are always commenting or posting things that make me laugh.
TBH ur the saltiest person I've ever met. I've also only see you ingame once so we need to hop together more often :> TBH I don't like spoons. Or that song. But you are very friendly <3
dasdhdhkfjhsgafuiadbfdvubciv igybuunimx9vwb8huifn fkmlfshviuxb jnkcklpfgs9d87ufewuvWhabjsfzdgnihmggebdesfgh8yhtjyukdjshdafgdsfedwsineedhelpibdsdiuthnroymjjhnrfsgbfvcXWSQDfwgas
TBH even tho ur Sr.Mod I still have no idea who you are <3 TBH you are one of the most active GTA members. Sometime we should spend a whole driving through the city. TBH that 299 posts is bugging me pls post something XDD. TBH you seem to have lots of knowledge on coding. I haven't talked with you a lot, but you seem very nice and friendly ;) TBH u r the one of the coolest friends I have. I wish you wouldn't have resigned but I guess it's for the best. I hope we can play more often :D
TBH you are very friendly. I enjoyed that one time I was on ts with you. I also wished you would upload more on your channel :P. TBH @Primitive you are one of my first friends on Mineverse. I remember when we would stay up till like 1 am in calls just playing bedwars. I hope we can do that again sometime.