Hello. In this thread there are multiple suggestions I want for infection to make it equally as fair for zombies and humans. - Buff alpha zombies so that they get protection 2 full chainmail armor and sharpness 2-3 iron sword -Make it so that in a certain area where zombies spawn that if humans cross that area, they will get poison 2 so spawn killing will be more difficult -On prestige 6, you get eggs as zombies that poison. Nerf it so that you can only use 2-4 of these eggs per game. -As a zombie if you reach a certain death streak, you will get slight buffs. Could be a higher level sharpness sword or better armor or even buffs like strength, because donator kits are way too powerful and it's rare that zombies win games. All of your opinions matter to me even if you are just a member, so let me know what you think about these suggestions. +1 if you agree, -1 if you disagree, and 0 if you agree or disagree with which ones and please let me know :D
Support for buffing the Alpha, no support for the rest. Once we have one or two p£ zombies then zombies will win almost every map. That FA is too deadly for even Titans to survive 4 hits.
Alpha gets a sharp two sword and I only agree with the egg thing. No support for the rest. Too many things will complicate the gamemode and its meant to be simple.
No Support. When Infection released it was east for Donors to win games. Now however it seems hard to even win games. I’ve only won at most 5 games when I played yesterday as a Human and lost the rest.
done when you spawn you'll get poison, or if you in a map like Argenta and camp near spawn you get poison. Absorption is good. Its prestige 5, its good how it is it doesn't bring u down to half a heart. Already happens (s2, blaze bomb, egg, etc.)