Hi all ;). So recently I've started getting into Infection ( I know I'm a bit late :P ) And I was wandering if people would mind sharing their knowledge of the best "spots" to survive the longest. Screenshots would be nice, and if your post is valid you shall recieve a cookie:eek: This should also help other people who are unsure of where to go ( Rather then running around like headless chickens :P ) Thanks in advance :D
In the map Forest, there is the mid tree, far tree, and other far tree. but, an OP tree is the one right behind spawn (big one) There are 3 ways up to top of tree, but there is a certain spot where (---- about halfway up on side facing spawn you can rest and cover all 3 at once. It is also very good for spawn shooting
No, when the server crashes players are able to grief the maps. That's why it is so un-playable on some maps. Cyp and Noon still haven't gotten around to fixing them.
Not those spots like the one on forest but those on other maps like the roof on desert.That was removed,however I is still possible to get up there