Haloa, Levis again with another Clan Recruitment. Today I will be recruiting the clan "SurvivingAxe" on Infection. ^o^ Rules: Don't hack Don't swear Don't annoy Recruitments: Friendly Must be Prestige 0+ Sgt Maj Good at surviving Good at getting Kills Copy the following Template if you wish to join: In-game name: Rank: Prestige and Level: Skype (Not needed): Age (Not needed): You just need to wait if we DENY or ACCEPT you. Ranks: Owner: Fadei Co-Owner: Clan Administration: Head-Mod: Mod: Mascot: Trusted Member: Member: KitKatKendrick
In-game name: KitKatKendrick Rank: God Prestige and Level: Prestige 5, lvl 165 (If its not 165 its 164 or 166 lol) Skype (Not needed): Same as my IGN Age (Not needed): 13