At some points during the infection game, I would agree with you like if it's only 2-3 people left standing. If there is more than that, the game would be too easy, which in my point of view would take the fun out of the game. This is just my opinion though. I would love to see your reasoning behind your thoughts.
the reason i thought this was because when i play i can normally only get levels by voting so i thought it would be easier to get levels by surviving. normally when i play about 5 people survive most times though only one person survives
I agree with that, though i think in order to do that the plugin will have to be changed. I'm worried that if the plug in gets changed, everyone will go though a reset. Is voting not working lately?
If the gods didn't have heal that wouldn't be a problem. I think in order to get survivors levels though, the plug in will have to be changed, which might cause a reset for everyone.
Or they can set a period between /heal. Like every 1 minute or every 30 seconds, they are allowed to use it.
i think thats a good idea. because god ranks on infection they get prot 4 diamond armour! if they have port 4 diamond armour why would they get heal??
There is actually a thread created by SomeGuy adressing the issue of using the /heal command in infection.