IGN/Team Name: the builders were yeahsquirrel and InsanePizza. Map Name: Summer Camp. Gamemode for Map: Infection. Description of Map: Summer Camp is a map based off going to camp. Although there aren't as many hiding spots as some might like, there are still hiding spots. It is surrounded by trees. There are 4 camp buildings, 2 tents, 1 bathroom, 1 lunch hall, and 1 shack. There are some secrets that I don't want to spoil quite yet. Screenshots/Recording: 2016-05-11_17.24.46.png Other Extra Info: Don't Glitch.
No Support, sorry. The hill in the middle looks really unrealistic, I suggest using the brushing tool on world edit to fix it up and to terraform the map. Add more detail into the houses and trees. The notch trees look really boring and the houses hardly have any detail. Add more spots and exciting parts to explore and play in, as it makes the map more fun and enjoyable for players.