Infection Prestiges are really underpowered except prestige 5. Also they are messed up as you can abuse bow from prestige 7 plus. There are a lot of solutions. 1. You can change prestige perks, 2. you can make bow less power as it 2 shot kills humans without donations OR remove bow completely from prestige 10 and make it have everything else from the prestiges. This is how I think prestiges should be. Prestige 1: Blast Protection Prestige 2.Projectile Protection Prestige 3: Protection Prestige 4: Sharp 1 Prestige 5: Sharp 1 + Protection Prestige 6: Bow (Power 5 ) 1 arrow Prestige 7: Bow (Power 6) 2 arrow Prestige 8: Sharp 1 sword + Bow (power 6) 2 arrow Prestige 9: Egg <-- (Overpowered can bring a titan to half a heart) Prestige 10: Egg + Bow (Power 6) 1 arrow Something like that. Put your suggestions below and I know these will be too op so just change them up a bit and put your idea of prestiges down below. If this is to happen human kits will need to be opped a bit more too. Thx
What about those people who have worked so hard for a bow as a zombie? Simply through their troubles away, no, this is silly. It'd cause more outrage then anything. So simply, No.
Support, I will never get past p1 xD Even though I play specifically on infection for 2-3 hours a day.