So yeah, if you read the title, this isn't about fixing prestiges 8-10. This is about using different items when the plugin is fixed. So, I was thinking: Prestige 8 - Fire Aspect 2. Prestige 9 - 2 Snowballs (Exact same as flash grenades) Prestige 10 - Bow/Arrow with an egg. Leave your suggestions for a different order or different items. Thank you!
Ummm Prestige 10 to OP no egg because of egg spammers and just to good anyways and Bow only with three arrows? As for the topic. The prestige will not be fixed. It would involve editing the plug in which is not going to happen. And double or more of an egg or arrow will make it difficult to look for spam. The best perks for prestige 8 to 10 would be better swords and armour. P8: Sharp III P9: Protection II, Projectile Protection I P10: Projectile Protection I, Protection I, Fire Aspect I Something like that.
I like the idea but get rid of the egg for p10, if a zombie just threw an egg then typed /suicide : and threw another egg, that would be way to overpowered against the humans. Other than that, Support.