Hi. This suggestion if for the gamemode Infection. Suggestion 1: Remove the dispenser located right behind the spawnpoint from the map Nuketown. Seen here: Spoiler Why should it be removed? Humans can glitch(items) a bow with arrows as zombie. Suggestion 2: Remove the leaf blocks as shown here: Spoiler Why should it be removed? Humans can glitch out of the map, making it unfair when no moderators are online to kick them. Thanks for reading.
There is another way to get boosted out of the map. If you go behind the building on the right of the spawn point, there is at the very back in the top right corner a little area where humans can be boosted onto a gate and escape the Nuketown map.
Glitching items results in a 3 day ban. Block glitch in results in a kick. Boosting is not against the rules. So there are rules in place to stop people from abusing these options, but it would still be nice if they were fixed.