Hello, I have came up with new ideas for Prestiges, hopefully you like them. -Any symbol is fine, it doesn't matter to me. Prestige 11- Projectile Protection 2, Iron sword sharp 1. Prestige 12- Prot 2, gapple, stone sword, and 1 snowball (blindness). Prestige 13- 1 TNT :P Prestige 14- Blast Prot 2, gapple, iron sword with knockback 1, sharpness 2. Prestige 15-(OP) -gapple -2 Snowballs -Prot 3 -Projectile Prot 1 -Iron sword Sharp 1. Thanks for reading if you feel like some of these are too OP or are bad, tell me what I can add/take away from it. I will be adding more Prestiges soon!
Neutral, I support the idea of adding more prestiges but not the rank 13 and 15. As I think it would be very op kits.
No support. If there are to be new prestiges, the perks should be made so that they cannot be spammed. So no bows, eggs, gapples, or snowballs. Instead, the new prestiges should be comprised of higher level enchantments on the default zombie gear. Do you even play Infection?
Thing is, you only get 4 arrows. That's two Rcts, or one SgtMaj. With the pp2 and s1, you use it the whole time you are a zombie, and you have an advantage that whole time. Unlike p10.
Well that's why it's the higher Prestiges.. It's the same with p 9 and 10. Ok, What do you think I should change to p15? well it's the opposite of each other, but it would help being killed by arrows (which are used most of the time). ok thank you for your feedback. ok, what do you think I should change them to? thank you for the feedback. Ok, what do you think I should change them to? what do you think I should change it to? Hm... This is right, what do you think I should change the snowballs and TNT to?
I think you place it and it explodes, it could be more powerful than an airstrike as it only explodes once. That's what I think