No, each rank would be able to get a kit with the money equivalent to what levels they have(yes, prestiges included), but that would be a one time thing, removed after a month or something so everyone gets it. You'd get your rank upon using your money kit.
I agree with the hole save ur XP thing but the money thing is to op the Server would have to make it op to rankup :/ but you could just suggest the xp you get from killing people stay with you? I mean how many times have you been a bar away from ranking up and then you get killed (everyday) so does anyone agree with that?
Would be more work to get a plugin to make sure you get the XP than to just replace the XP system with money from kills, also like I've said it wouldn't be "OP", though I don't understand how you'd make the mistake, money would be equal to the xp system you'd have now.
Maybe this till prestige 2 or something. Like to learn the game and then they will like it more because they aren't a low level.
No Support. We can't have money on infection to rankup :/ I think xp is good the way it is. All the nubs need is to vote. You can get p1 in less then a month if u vote al days.
Actually, to be honest, I like this idea, recommend that you talk to Tanner/Cyp about it. Thanks, Turtalized.