This map is based to be equal for both zombies and humans. No spots are too op, but this is also not completely zombie favored. This is view-able at /p h:3 Souleater0622 This was built by @Fight , @Souleater06222 , and @Discdog1000 Mind the background music
No Support Reasons: No map flow, mixing styles and build types looks terrible and takes an extremely good team to pull off. Bad terraforming, try improving the 3d qualities of the map, 2 block high and 1 block wide dirt tunnels is just lazy. Obvious parkour, looks ugly and ruins the gameplay Notch Trees, ew get rid of them Looks very plane and open, need some more things going on!
By the obvious parkour, I assume you mean the bridge that is broken up connecting the two towers. If that was a plain bridge, it would be too human biased. I ask you, what would you do to fix that? What do you want to see? Meanwhile I'll work on the rest of the problems
Alright, we'll try and add more of those spots, but do keep in mind this isn't supposed to be a human biased map.
Moved to the correct location. No support, sorry. It's too bland and needs more detail, as stated above.