Infection Map Suggestion -Map Makers : Quakey_Choc and Her0zbrine This map is intended for infections by the the map makers. This was made in creative at Her0zbrine's plot in Mineverse. Here are some photos taken by me(DanTheBoy101) -
I saw this in-game, and I sort of liked it, but the beacon won't work because the machinery will be cleared, and theres a lot of cobwebs. It looks a bit messy in my personal opinion, but the map all in all is alright. neutral
You still need to make it organized either way, it needs to look nice, presentable and well detailed, but still be able to fit it's theme without making it look messy and rushed.
Neutral. Ive seen this map in-game but its kinda messy.Even if war or not,you need somewhere to hide or climb into.