Hey! This is my second map that i have created in the past 2 days for Infection! The first one is called Space Place, you can check it out on the thread screen. This map is a map of a broken down and abandoned town. It includes several broken down sandstone houses, which give a lot of cool hiding places, a train station and rail, a train, a water tower, a crane and a tent and food section. I know that the map is small as it is but I'm posting this just for your feedback. Please leave any suggestions in the comments bellow. If you think its good as it is then say so This is a close up picture of the half broken train station This is a picture of the crane and the train coming into the town station This is a picture of 2 of the tents that are scattered around the map This is a birds eye view of the town/village This is a picture of the town from the top at a different angle and during the night