I was lucky enough to glitch inside the boat(when everyone spawns) I took a few screenshots I found out Jolbol1 made the map @marcus e Just something i found interesting.
Already a thread about this http://www.mineverse.com/threads/inside-hi-jacked.48309/. There was really no need to make another thread. You could has simply replied to the first thread of the topic
I dont stalk you so how would i know if you posted this? Please dont comment if its just going to say to look at yours. It is in off topic, i took these screenshots, and so its free.
This is not in Off-topic, nor is my thread about this subject. So I don't know where you got that from. You also could have easily searched for a thread about hi-jacked, infection, inside, etc to see if there was already a thread that you could have added to, instead of making another thread about the exact same thing.
I don't think anyone wants to to take time out of their day to do something that meaningless :P It isn't the end of the world that a thread like this already exists. He just wanted to share something cool .