Hello! I am known as CookieAndDonut in Minecraft and I have been playing Infection for a long time now. To be on Infection so frequently, I have been thinking of some really cool suggestions to make the game more interesting. The biggest idea that I thought would be well fitting is giving your XP levels that you want another player to have. For example, lets just say that a random person was P10 maxed out and their friend was P5 MSgt and they wanted to help them prestige more. The person would type in a command of some sort and the other player would get those levels given. Another example, a command that could be possible: /giveXP (amount of XP wanting to give) (username) Hopefully, this could happen as this may be a help to those who want to give levels and to the people receiving.
Nonononono Getting to p10 is suppose to be a challenge. And with people able to give xp to anyone, getting to p10 would be too simple. Also, people can easily abuse it. Let's say someone has unlimited alts, they can vote on all of them and just give the xp to their main.
If this was a thing, I would be able to give a new player p10 instantly. Which is why this wouldn't work. Infection would become a place where people would just beg for levels instead of working for them. Also, people could just vote on alts and give the levels to their main.
Although I do support XP being used for something else, this isn't the appropriate method for it. Especially because a lot of people would obtain the overpowered bows and other prestige items - resulting in games lasting about two seconds.
That is true. Is there a max maybe that you have to reach when you give the XP and a certain cool down that could be established?