Most Infection players already know this, but for those who don't know, there is these Infection Maps (Outbreak & Nuketown) that have trapped chests, which can be opened (Outbreak), and dispensers (Nuketown. Because of this, they can be opened and people can store stuff in them (Especially bows) and use them when they become a zombie. This is very unfair for humans. (There is also trapped chests in the shelter next to it (The green one), which has a lot more chests than these. I couldn't find a video for Nuketown, but I will record a vid very soon ) This is becoming very frustrating, and needs to be fixed. Now, this is now just directed at Nuketown, and it's iron fence that boosts people over the map. If you are not an Infection player, there is a map called Nuketown, and it has a 2 block high wall with a 1 block high iron bar fence on top of it. The wall humans abuse and get boosted from Credits : Ares_Xena Because of the iron bars being thinner than a full block, humans can be boosted on the extra surface of the wool wall by simply being hit by zombies whilst jumping against the wall. This causes humans to either run to the left, where the wooden wall takes them to another place, or just jump to the other side. Some lucky zombies will be able to be boosted by getting shot through the iron fence and get over the fence or to the other side. I suggest one simple thing - To remove the iron fence which separates the 2 sides, making it so there is no "out of the map" at all, besides the wooden fence side which is quite hard to get to when a swarm of zombies are hitting you anyway. The Iron Fence requested to be removed Credits : Ares_Xena
Thanks I've seen a lot of non-rank people wearing God Armour because their God friends gave it to them in the chests, which is so frustrating. Thanks for the support