Most of you have found it ridiculous how OP Fire Aspect is on infection. First of all, this isn't OPPvP, we actually burn to death. All it takes is 7 hits from a fire sword to guarentee a Titan (With Kit) his death. So not only was I suggesting this but some other Things too. We really need to add this to Titan. Heres why. Titan kit is God kit and is pretty much useless. Titan needs its own enchantment. What is that enchantman may you ask? It's fire protection. Honestly I don't care what level of Fire Protection it is, but Titans deserve some protection against Prestige 5. Your about to see how deadly fire aspect is against A MSGt Now in this video I'm dying from Fire from @HopeStealer who agreed to do this, enjoy ;)
Prestige 5 is sharpness I think... . titan is also not the same as god. are you saying we remove the normal protection... and most people don't have it
I remember when they added fire aspect to all ranks, good times. Support for fire res. MVP should have fire again, same with p4. Nothing else.
MVP does not deserve fire, if MVP gets fire, than Elite, Supreme, God and Titan get Fire Also I mean add Fire Protection to TItan Gear
MVP, Elite, Supreme, God, and Titan did get fire aspect at one point. We saw how quickly that was nerfed lol.
Two things p6 is broken for a lot of people right now IIRC, so p5 is currently the only really reliable counter to high donor kits, other than of course getting eggs through kills. Also, MC enchantment mechanics are extremely complex and I couldn't get a definitive answer on google, but according to minecraft wiki the different kinds of protection--protection, fire protection, projectile protection, blast protection--are mutually exclusive ( see note 1); they can't all be put on the same piece of armor in vanilla mode. That doesn't necessarily mean that after one enchantment that takes precedence the rest won't actually do anything, but I think it might. This is based on the mechanics behind fortune and silk touch, which are mutually exclusive in the same way such that you can't have both on one item in vanilla/survival. Fortune and silk touch on one item isn't terribly uncommon throughout MV from servers with /enchant, but if you've ever used one you'd notice the silk touch takes precedence over the fortune enchantment, meaning only the silk touch procs when you use it, and not the fortune. My thinking is that if fire protection and protection (which is already on titan armor, and is mutually exclusive with fire protection in the same way I explained with silk touch/fortune) are both on the same piece of armor, they might behave in the same way as silk touch and fortune on a pickaxe, axe, or shovel, and only one of the enchantments which takes precedence over the other (probably protection over fire protection) will proc, making the other enchantment essentially useless. *The one exception to the exclusion of fire protection as an efficacious enchantment on titan armor (providing I'm right about this, which I might not be) is the second property of fire protection, which is reducing the time of that fire ticks remain on someone. I have a feeling that if, with normal protection already on an item, fire protection's protection doesn't protect, the tick length reduction might still proc, in which case fire protection won't be entirely useless but would require a very specific (i.e. getting hit, say, 6 times with a fire sword, killing the fire zombie, then barely not dying to remaining fire ticks as opposed to dying from them) so it wouldn't even be super effective as you'd probably have only maybe 1-3 hearts after killing the fire zombie and letting the fire ticks die down. TL;DR mc enchantment mechanics might prevent your idea from actually doing anything. Note that this is almost entirely speculation, I could easily be very, very wrong in which case someone smarter than I can correct me. Overall, no support mainly for the first reason, second reason probably sounds insane and might very well be.
The bit it about mutually exclusive is wrong on armour as you can put fire protection and plain protection on armour with books I believe but anyway it doesn't cancel the efffects. Support as this can be very anoying
P5 is sharp 1 fire 1. @iGlitcher It's either protection or fire protection, I don't think it can be both.
I think it's best to leave it as it is. Titans are already OP with Protection II. With the right amount of mouse spams you can easily rofl and get gapples(they help). And basically all the points here: No support.
Neutral. Titan's don't even deserve Fire Protection, Prot2. P5 hits them with fire sword but does no Effect. Too OP. Nah
Q neutral. And also they changed P4 is sharpness P5 is fire and sharpness P6 is nothing P7-P10 were fixed and P1 swapped with P2. Hope this helped.