Hola Amigos y Amigas! I want to start an infection clan. The name will be "Estelar los Defensores" or Stellar Defenders for people who don't know Spanish. If you know Spanish, it would be helpful to communicate more efficiently <3 =====Estelar los Defensores Requirements===== VIP+(Kit related) Skill with Bow 1-10 Friendliness and cooperativeness =====Application Format===== In-game name: Rank(VIP+): Skill level with bow (1-10): Why you want to join Estelar los Defensores: =====Hierarchy===== Owner - ConsumeBleach_ Manager - Co-Manager - Recruiter - Recruiter - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member - Nine applicants will be accepted as of now. Good luck!
@Smiley @canucksfan44 Can you move this thread to the correct section under Clan Recruitment so it's easier for those who want to apply to locate the thread?