Hey guys, its Mookie. I am currently prestige 5 going on prestige 6. I was wondering, as I know you can't spam eggs and bows but what is the time limit? Is it 1 egg/bow shot per 15 seconds or something? My teammate Daevantes was repeatedly shot every 5 seconds by Scorpio_Venom and he didn't stop. Is this against the rules and if so what is the sps(shot per second)?
You may use 1 egg/bow per 300 seconds(1 game), any more than this and it's breaking a rule, however, I wouldn't report them just yet, as it may be from a killstreak, just check to see if the player hitting him is trying to die, or suiciding, this bug will give you more items, but using the killstreaks for it are legitimate, and you may use those whenever you wish. If you have proof the player was intentionally dying to get eggs/arrows, you may report him if your heart wishes. The plugin will be fixed shortly and the rule done away with as the plugin won't allow the use of any illegitimate items.
I said that Scorpio_Venom was repeatedly dying to shoot my teammate with a bow, but other than that , thank u :D
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