Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: bm2013 Rule they broke: Well. Ever since bm come back because of the ban list being reset, he's been a nuisance. Constant swearing and harassing of other players. He even threatened to DDOS NoobCupCake because he killed him. We have all asked him politely to stop being so rude but he hasn't. He was banned for the reason I'm making this report today. Being extremely rude and obnoxious. He even said when he first came back that he had changed, turned out he hadn't changed at all. Evidence: Screenshots.
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-bm2013-language-banned-glaad.15567/ There is where he was banned 3yerrt. P.S I'm related because i was online and asked to provide this thanks
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.