Block glitching As you know, Block glitching is a abuse which leads to a kick. I'm thinking, and @Prin thinks this too, that block glitching should be allowed. Only on certain maps though. For example, Winter. Winter is a nice map with a lot of trees. You can parkour on these trees, but there's quite a few places where you have to block glitch to get to another tree. But if you do this, you would normally get kicked. Block glitching should be allowed on this map, and there's other maps that you should be able to block glitch on. Comment 'Support', if you agree and think block glitching should be allowed on certain maps You can comment anything else helpful if you need to
Like I said, the only bad thing about this is that it will be hard to tell for moderators to judge which is a certain map or not. I suggest we just leave it for now.
No Support, I don't think this could work. We have a lot of human-biased maps because of block glitching so adding them to some maps would make it a challenge for zombies
No support. My reason being is that if we can recall back to hijacked, block glitching is what made the map way too overpowered for humans and unenjoyable for zombies. Winter is basically a free win if you block glitch, along with carnival.
Well, if block glitching is allowed on even one map, (new)players would think that it's allowed on every map. It's all the more more confusing and shouldn't be allowed. I don't support this.
I think being allowed to block glitch makes the game more fun, but you cannot allow it on some maps and not others as it will cause much confusion. I would like block glitching to be allowed all together
Block glitching is a fair mechanic that can be used on every Minecraft server there is nothing wrong with it. Block glitching is one of the things that still make infection a fun game if you don't want block glitching then play hide and seek or something. Block glitching allows everyone to go to new areas on the map even the zombies without block glitching infection would be less fun. If you don't want block glitching go play kitpvp or hide and seek.
No Support. At winter if there is block glutting again, it will become a human biased map and not even as it is now. Although you said "certain" the map Outbreak this must Not be allowed or else it's way to op. There are many other map that block glutting could make the game from even or zombie biased to human.
Block glitching's illegal now? Heh, I've never known that, I've known that 'leaf glitching' is a 'kick' L) but I understand why leaf glitching is illegal, but block glitching in my point of view should be enabled again, like you've stated in the original post, some maps are handy for it. I grant 50% of my support. Thanks, Turtalized.
Yeah block glitching was added in the rules a month ago saying that it's kickable, requested by a lot of players
I understand that it's annoying, in my point of view, it's in the heart of parkour aswell, if you feel me.
No Support, and it won't be fair to newer players who don't even know the glitch exists (and know how to do it)
Since when was this a problem? Block glitching has always been here, no one caring about it. I say allow block glitching. There's just about nothing they can do to stop it.
Support. Being inside blocks where nobody can reach you shoudln't be allowed, but being in the edge of a block should be.