My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: beast_in Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura Ps. Please Skip to 2:40 For The Proof Proof:
xD i wasnt hacking.. when i looked up, i was hitting the guy on the leaves then kill you. You also recorded yourself. You have click aimbot.
I hack click aim-bot? Um.. mind telling me what that is? You can clearly hear me clicking if your inferring I have aura. And if I had aim-bot, the program itself would show on my screen since I was recording my software's screen Btw, Notice how fast you hit me as quickly change from person to person, depending on whose closer. No one can hit that fast because the game itself doesn't allow it. When swinging anything, it needs to have the point for it too be able to come back and hit again. You, however, continue to hit and hit with no breaking point, showing the Kill Aura.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.