Hello there I am Panda ( PandaSkills ) you may know me as proskillz67. Anyways so in infection the game is not balanced at the moment, humans get to use op kits if donators and have over powered bows. My idea was to nerf the bow's power or remove punch as well as change the kit system & as most of you reading this will know kit elite and up are full diamond armor. Instead maybe it could just be enchanted armor of Iron leggings, Iron chest plate, Diamond boots, Diamond Helmet and have titan and god have diamond leggings/chestplate. I think there should be a spawn protection like a 3x3 radius for protection. If you read up to this point ty for reading and have a wonderful day!
Neutral for now, There are some good ideas there like the 3x3 spawn protection for zombies and changing the kit system but I see the nerfing of the power/punch on the bows a bit harsh, As an old player I see have the bows perfect for surviving against the hordes of zombies. In my eyes if the bows power/punch was nerfed it would make its 100% harder to survive.
I can see your point Worph, but as much as I like the bows there. They may need to nerf it. In Halloween and nuketown bows were overpowered for humans, I suggested nerfing bows but they should either remove or place barriers to block glitching spots or boosting spots