proposing an idea. being inactive on server for [ variable ] amount of time at admin discretion, 12 months or more perhaps without connection. this could be done with a bash script , removing overhead on server and reducing server load etc. not resetting user money from vault , and keeping their rank, but losing all other saved data from different game types. they would be able to log in every so often to stop this from happening.
Explain more? I dont really understand what your getting at. Are you saying that if your inactive you dont get reset?
the point is to remove data storing from people who dont play anymore , to improve server performance. and give fair time , but not forever :D
basically if someone doesnt log in for a year they lose their inventory and where they were in the game, keeping the money they had and their rank ofc. This could be really good! Support
Neural. what if you can't get on minecraft for a while, or you need to focus on school. then you would loose all your hard work :/