Hey guys, Recently I've noticed that Endermites have been spawning in KitPvP. Now, as far as I am aware there is only one way in which they spawn and that way is Enderpearls. As quoted from the Minecraft Wiki: "Using an ender pearl has a 5% chance of spawning an endermite." I was afking at oldspawn, luckily in nothing too good and one of these lil' buggers killed me. Now, this could be a problem for newbs, and so I am wondering what is with this? Here's a screenshot of one at oldspawn: http://prntscr.com/707i8h Thanks, Gizz.
Yes, therefore we need them removed as they are hostile and people are using them to kill other people in oldspawn.
I'll admit I've done this to many people and many have done have it to me..It's good in a way that there arnt many people that still stand afk anymore but then if you leave for like 5 mins and come back to a screen that says "Your dead" it's really annoying..
they shouldn't be removed... Players need to learn to stop afking and simply click disconnect. The endermites add a minor change to the game that makes it a bit more interesting.
You're kidding, right? It takes 3 minutes or so for them to kill well, probably anyone. Now, you're saying I can't go out to the car and help my mum with the grocery's quickly?
Support. Endermites are deadly…. At first they seem cute and chubby, but then you decide to go near them. THEN THEY KILL YOU.
It's not a suggestion, and I think it's more likely to be seen here. It's something that is extremely problematic :s Hey Jordan! And yes, yes I do.
I've avoided being killed by one of these deadly creatures so far, but I think they should be removed.