Support. It could be abused by escaping a lot like @Rodeenie said, but to prevent that make a cool down for it at about 5 minutes. "What if I get stuck in the wall again" If you're stuck in a wall and /! And get stuck again then you have an issue
Support! Especially when getting hit, or even when you just can't get to /spawn! I hope this is added.
Support this is an amazing idea because one time I was in a really serious fit on OpPvP so I epearled then I got stuck in a wall and died because I could get my grapple because I was glitched so. Support!
I've played OP PvP before and yeah this kind of get annoying at times but here is a Tip eat a God Apple/Notch whatever you want to name it and type the command /spawn it will take you there even if you are suffocating that is what I have noticed but then again if someone is attacking/hitting you therefore canceling the Teleportation this would result in you dying so Support