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  • In need of help

    Discussion in 'Help' started by dera, May 26, 2018.

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    1. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      Though, this may be out of Mineverses' hands, I am coming, and asking if people are having the same problem as I've been having for over a year now. I truly hope people have, and that they have fixed it and that will be glad to shed some light as I wouldn't want to have paid and wasted lots of money and time on this game.

      So it all started about a year ago, where as to when I had 3 accounts in total. My main, my other titan account, and some other account I didn't use on this server. I had changed the name one day on my account for other servers, and next thing you know, the password and email reset itself and I, still to this day, am unable to get it back. The same story with my main and the other titan account.

      Even though it's been over a year for my two accounts, it's been only 6 months since I've lost my main titan account. I've paid for all these accounts with my own money, ranks and all. Though, money comes easy to myself and to my family, I worked hard individually for all of my wealth. So, as you can see, like any normal person, treating myself to something with my own money, I'd be pretty mad if it was taken from me with no reason.

      Now, my question for you guys, if you've experienced the same problems I'm having, how'd you get your account back?

      Keep in mind, I don't have my transaction Id as I purchased my accounts almost 7 years ago, and with a different than current credit-card.
      Thank you.
    2. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      The best thing you can do is contact minecraft/mojang itself, tell me them your issues and then should send you a fast reply, anything mineverse related you will need to create a support ticket HERE and then you can get a fast reply from our great admins. Apart from that if minecraft can't help you unfortantuly there is no chance of getting your account back, without valid evidence from your transcation ID's and/or mineverse id's you can't get anything back without proper evidence, if you can validate it from any statements then that would be the best option at this point apart from that I don't think you would be able to get the account back.

      I am tagging @Accept because maybe he can help :)

      Dan (xDesired)

      have a great day :)
    3. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Hello @kylizzle,

      I have experienced this problem as well around, as stated above it is best to contact minecraft/mojang, I had done the same thing but unfortunately, I didn't have my transaction ID's as well and they weren't able to refund my account or get it back for me. I'm not saying that you cant get yours back but you'll get more of an understanding of how you could possibly get your account(s) back.

      Also, this is out of Mineverse's hands and they can't resolve this issue, so for that reason, I will be closing this thread.

      Have a good day.
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