I see a lot of people hackusating in-game and on peoples walls on the forums, I feel like there should be a brief warning then a mute for this offense since so many people do it and it gets really annoying. Conclusion: This is only my personal opinion so if I get no support on this then, that's fine
Hackusating does get annoying...but it's only when they spam (in game) and spamming is a warning I think. Not sure about forums. But tbh people shouldn't accuse unless they have evidence. So Neutral for now
Well, if you don't hack you can always take it as a compliment- that you're good. I don't see a point in this unless they're spamming 'hackusations'.
Not in support of this at all, yeah it gets annoying but most of the time it's people who don't know any better or ones who are just joking around. I don't think it should be a moderator's responsibility to punish everyone who hackusates, and decide who is joking around and who's not.
Seeing this type of rule on servers is a joke, Many people Hackusate when they're mad or when the player is actually hacking. It's very useful to the point of catching many hackers that wouldn't be found unless a moderator was called or to just straight out warn the community that this player might be hacking. Now just bringing this up but awhile back Crew asked on a thread if there was any command that people wanted added and so there's a command to ignore the players that are "Annoying you by Hackusating" being /ignore suggested by myself as said awhile back. From what I've seen almost no one hackusates on forums and it's really stupid to punish someone over that kind of message, If you're saying punish them on forums for what they did in game also stupid because 2 different communities in a sense being the forums and in game and If it's in game it can be used productively [Reasons stated Above] I hope this really makes you think about your suggestion and why it's not needed. No support
Large and popular servers use a filter to stop people from hackusating. I would rather have that kind of filter on mineverse game-modes and have players msg us about hacks, rather than people shouting out hacks in chat and making things confusing. The filter message on other servers tell players the place to report hackers and our message could tell them to /msg a moderator. I dont agree there should be punishments for it though. Once we mute them, they most likely cannot msg us and then if they were correct and there were hacks going on then mods will miss out on catching one. So partial support. The reasoning is fine but the method needs working on.