Before- I didn't know who you were. I just had no clue. All though I knew you were a great moderator. ^^ After- Later on we became friends, and I just love talking to you! Before- You seemed like a great guy and everybody seemed to swarm you. :> After- You did turn out to be a great friend even though I don't approve of your signature. Jk, ily. <3 Before- All I knew was that my OTP was Alex x Kyle even if I didn't know you that well. After- I later saw you in Infection and you turned out to be a great and funny person! :p Before- I loved your name Silento and I'd always figured you were a trusting person. After- Greatttttt meeting you on Skyblock, finally! You seemed nice and mature! Before- I didn't know you that well, though I just knew you had a forums account and that's all. After- Later on, I kept meeting you on Skywars or KitPvP and you're so nice! :> Before- I kept seeing you as a mod on KitPvP although I didn't know you that well. :c After- Ayayay, you turned out to be an amazing person and I think one of your friends complimented me on have a "nice nose" on my picture! :p Before- All I knew that you were the god of reports and I just kept out of the way. Although I liked your location! Marching Band | Hell After- You turned out to be a great guy, Mama Tad! That's why I had to make you a nickname because you're the mama of the server! :cp: Before- As I'm saying for many people, I didn't know you THAT well. All I knew is that you have a tiger skin or something. cx After- You turned out to be a friendly person and I've seen you multiple times on KitPvP! :> Before- I had nooooo clue who you were. :rolleyes: After- You are an AMAZING person. Your voice is so cute on Team Speak! Great talking with you! Before- You just seemed like a chill person. :> After- You're actually a great person with a nice personality! We both like dogs and we play ice hockey!
Before- I always saw you on Infection, and you were very kind, even though I never knew you. After- I'm glad we're friends! We should talk more and you're a great person! x) Before- Knew you since Member, ayy. I didn't know you that well. :3 After- You're a good friend and person in general, glad to have you a friend. Ily. <3 Before- I have no idea who you are. xD After- I love llamas too! Before- I knew you as TheKittyy or something, but I sometimes talked to you. Good ol' times. :> After- You're an amazing person and I love all your scary pictures! Before- All I knew about you is that you invited me to your realm. After- Thank god you have a forums account! Now, we're besties! :D Before- I just saw you ingame sometimes. :P After- In all, you're a kind and fun person, and I'm glad to be friends with you! ;)