I guess I'll be doing a first impression too, if I can re-call back to the time I first noticed you. First: I think when I first noticed you, I just thought of you as some really friendly girl, you seemed really chill and had your own small group of friends. I never wanted to invade though. Now: Gosh... You mean a lot to me, you've stood by me for quite a long time and I honestly love you for you. You are truly a great friend and thank you for being there for me. First: Okay, Anna. Lol. I never really liked you, to say the least. You were I guess having a bad time here, you gained a lot of hate, too. But, I didn't really see you as a nice person. Now: We literally talk on a daily basis, and you are an exceptional person. You are some a sweet and caring person, which I love. We've grown to have a friendship which I never really expected to have with someone from my previous mind-set I saw as someone I never liked, at all. Now: I have seen you regularly post, you seem alright. I don't quite know what else to say, except not turn into a bad person on here. First: Janice, I wasn't totally sure of what you were doing when you first join. I genuinely thought it was an act, purely to gain the moderator position and that you would drop it as soon as you were promoted. Probably because people like you never come along everyday here, as you've come to see. Now: You are by far one of the nicest people I have met on here. I now can say you are a genuinely loving and caring person and I respect you so, so much for it. *We were also promo buddies* - Keep it up, and keep smiling First: Thomas. When I first took notice of you, it was really around your "bad" time, I guess. You were getting in trouble, calling out Cyp and stuff. Which inevitably ended in your getting banned. I guess I just seen you as one of these silly trouble-makers. Now: We are friends, you are a chill guy. Some stuff is happening, but it will pass through and you will move on, which is for the best. Good luck on mod, btw ;) First: I'm not sure what else to say besides that we used to be friends with eachother earlier. Not even too sure why :P Now: I guess we are still friends, though we don't really talk? i'd like to because you are a pretty cool guy... I know we should talk, but you totally haven't given me your Skype. First: If I re-call, I think I first noticed you when you were first trying at mod. You seemed willing and up to the job, kind of like you are now. Now: You are an awesome guy, and awesome mod and will no doubt get the position, for a third time! (Wow) - but, you totally deserve it and I hope you decide to stay longer this time. First: My first encounter of you was while I was moderating here. You just wanted to change so much for the server all at once. You get into so much arguments, and I guess you gained some unfriendly comments for it? I'm not really sure, but I just seen you as an annoying player who wanted to do everything. Though, I never disagreed with much of it. Now: Steve, you are a really good friend of mine. I've messed up a LOT, but I am changing and doing something different. So, we shouldn't really have anymore problems First: I can't really remember when or how we met. I was probably approached you, to be honest. But yeah, you've always really been a friend of mine, and you are such a great person to call a friend. Now: As I said, we are still friends, and I wouldn't change that. You are such a nice person and for some reason I can trust you with a lot of stuff. Which I don't mind, it just happened. AND Your voice omg, you are just Shelby :P - But, Ily <3 First: You were just this amazing mod whom I looked up to. I was also a parkour player back then, and you were like the only mod every to come on there. Which I loved, it was a good change to have a mod playing there and helping me and Musezeta catch people hacking. Now: You are such a fun and loving person. We don't really talk, but I like the rare occasions we have when we meet on the lobby, or teamspeak or whatever. You are just such a cool person. First: Billy, we met on Parkour. I guess you were kind of apart of my "group" of friends on there. Although, really you were just some kid that showed up out of nowhere and interacted with us lol Now: Damn... You've changed a lot, probably maturing. I can also tell that you are hyped about moderating here one day, which I wish you the best of luck in. First: OP Prison friends since the beginning really. Good times, me and you just mini-modded that server like it was no tomorrow. Who can blame us though? We only seen 1 mod a day... If we were lucky. Now: I'd say you are my best friend, we've known each-other for like a year and 4 months or something. You are a cool guy, meme lord to the stars. #Gaben4Pres Now: We never met too long ago, or that I can really remember. You are a good friend of mine, really smelly and stuff. Ily anyway :P First: You were really just some guy that I never really liked. You were such an annoying person and I never quite understood what you were doing. Now: You've changed a lot about you and I completely respect you. You are fun guy, really chill (unless tired) and you will no doubt gain the mod position again. Good luck Now: Only doing a now, since nothing has really changed. I've always loved you and you have always been such an amazing friend. My best friend. You mean a lot to me and I know that you've been through a lot here. But you are strong and will push through it and ultimately reach your well deserved goal. Love you bb <3 Then: A, le chainpickaxe. Lol. You were just some annoying kid, I suppose. Wasn't too sure of what you were doing? Wasn't really sure myself. Now: You are still some annoying kid, though you are not a bad guy. You're pretty chill, we talk a small bit. You do annoy a lot of people though, but yeah. That's alright I guess lol Then: I'm not 100% sure of when we met, probably through Alex? On Skype or something, but yeah.If I remember correctly you were a squeeker back then, which is funny to say now :P Now: Congrats on mod dude! I wasn't too sure at first if you were going to get it, but I supported you anyway. You proved yourself to me, which is awesome. You are slightly way too into Sloths though, but it's funny, and you are fun.