Just saying its impossible to reach 500bil while you only get 300-400mil per mine I know that people have P-Z prisoner but that's only because their friends or even @CypriotMerks gave them 1-3tril or rare crates at the start of Opprison Even with x2.0 multipler For gods and titans it still doesn't even help and for P you get like 600-800mil and you need 1tril im not a addict who plays 10 hours of mining so Yeah K-O mines should be 900-2bil per mine
You can flip items For example You buy it for 1b Then 1 Day later You sell it for 2b Profit : 1b (Or get an alt then kill him and collect the heads then auction the heads for like 10b :t
This would make it far too easy. There is a reason the prices are the way they are... For a challenge. I know heaps and heaps of people who have made it to P on their own. You just have to work for it.
P has diamond blocks. It is the first mine you reach where you can mine diamond blocks. That's the idea - you work to get to them diamond blocks. You're not meant to rank up everyday, but if you're persistent and do what Blocky said, mine 150bil or so a day, you'll get there.