Hello all you staff, I'm making this thread so only Staff members can see this. This fits nicely under the 'exploits' category, as I'm talking about: 'make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand' and 'a bold or daring feat.' - meaning taken from the internet. I find it extremely stupid that people, such as @TrevorCross999 , use alternates to 'scam' people through the use of an auction. I'll elaborate further. When an auction starts: Trevor, would 'start' the auction for $1. It is normally an uncommon item which has some value more than $1. Nearing the end of the auction, he would use his alternate, FreePledge(no this is not Pledgefree), which he got from @Lone , to raise the bid to an amount above the value, namely $30000. As you know, anyone who places a /bid after that will 'raise' the bid to a higher level, example: $30001. If no one puts a bid, the 'scammer's would walk away with their money still in their possession, if someone makes the bid, the 'scammer's would be able to earn a free, $30001. This is an EXTREMELY despicable way of earning fast cash and I very very very hope action is taken against this. I have evidence, of Trevor owning this alternate. Listed here, a conversation between me, Lone, and Trevor on buying the alt: FreePledge. http://www.mineverse.com/conversations/alt.27491/ If you can't see the convo, I can show screenshots of what is being said. Here are more idiotic things he has been telling the Prison community to gain their support AGAINST this matter. http://gyazo.com/d459b013531f6a97e60d8ac866e8409d @Mega , although he was the one who was asked my Trevor if 'alternate auc scamming' was not illegal, is in no wrong at all. As said in this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/2gxTgRN.png Mega, clearly stated he was '99% not sure' if this was illegal. That being said, Trevor did not have a green light to go ahead and auction scam. Overall, I just want something to be done against Trevor and not let this incident slide as he has accumulated at least 500k from 'auc scamming'.
This is not really considered anything, as the person who does /bid is taking a risk of that happening to them. I recommend that you are careful and do /bid [amount] next time.