This is a tbh thread, with clickbait. (I think that's a new trend) THIS ISN'T YOUTUBE GUYS SO KEEP THE CLICKBAIT TO A MINIMUM. I left forums but then realized I'm going to make an alt anyways, so idc. Comment for a short tbh. COLBAE'S IDEA
OMG UR MY BABY GIRL and I would kms to save u any day. I'm so happy for you and I'm so happy I helped you *wink wink* You're my best friend and ily.
Omg babeeeee ilysm, Ari you and Bean are goals and I love you both. You're my life and ily and your kitty. PLUS YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL H00MAN ALIVE Hai gl on mod im not sure what to say but ur pfp is bootiful Kylie omg I love u so much we have been through so much and I don't regret any of it. I wish you luck with *****. Zoey101 was one of my faves. And you're supa cute <3 I want you in Mafia so much, you and I didnt start on the right foot but your oompa loompa skin is awesome. Ilysm <3 You are my best friend and I love u to death. ily cia u big booty judy. OMG MAXI TAXI you're supa cool and you are an amazing mod. Max4YoungestHeadMod Colby is my babe. Nothing else should be said, you know ily to pieces. MADI MADI MADI my babe. ilysm and we rant about people and we are so much MORE fun when we are together, we talk a lot but have never been in a real call. You Sav and I need to do dat. Stevie poo ily and you were my friend since my first day on here so September 11th, you're the Wolf to my Bane and im the rodeenie to ur weenie.