Hello Mineverse! Recently, I have had thought on leaving and I decided I will. Due to my ever-so hated past, I am hated throughout mineverse, mostly on survival. I took too much into my game and acted a dumb and witless fool. For that I am sorry, I have changed, but it is probably best I do leave that way no more commotion will be created by me when I get prideful or be foolish and to risk that again is a nightmare come true. Some people see me by another user if they've found out how to do that and risking any form of hate or commotion is being avoided at the cost of me leaving. My treasure shall keep to myself unless I give away something before I leave. I may be active sometimes on the forums but probably will be a long time before I come back to the server, or at least a survival game like Grand Theft Auto, Survival, Factions etc. I hope you understand well, and my apologies are on higher standards. Kind Regards, Kronos_AresYT (Or my user currently or from farther back)
instead of making a thread u should just individually tell the people u know, wouldn't really take long in your case
bye (thank you for making this thread so that other people and myself can comment on it and get more messages)
I am hated by a good bit of I guess the word is "older" mineverse players, and I want to clean my record by making an "apology" letter and a "goodbye for now" so I don't cause any more damage to the community like back then in case if I act stupid or something again. This is mainly for the people that disliked me I only remember 5-6 people but there was more than that I think. Besides, the forums is going to probably hurt less than on the server itself.
From what I can remember @Benko and maybe @jannah are as og on mv as the word og gets, so idk what u mean by "older" players
Sorry man, I've been on here for almost 4 and a half years and I've never heard of you. The only people I can think of that everyone hated is me, ponyknight and fat cunt aaron.
Don't really know who you are, but I don't really have an opinion of you staying or going. I mean, I wish you the best, but you know... /ignore is a command. That's a sure way to stop commotion. As the server is dying very quickly (like 70 players regularly), I don't see a reason why to stay much longer, saying that it even still is online. I enjoy the server personally, but I don't see the server itself staying up to much longer. You can stay or go as you please, lots of people are leaving. Cya though.