Hello Mineverse as I posted on my Profile I'll be making a thread about something and that something is!! Dun dun dun MOD APPLICATIONS! As we've seen most girls like @12323emily @PandaBear__ @Alex all had support on there mod applications for "beauty" and not "personality" and this has been on my concern for sometime now, I've been talking to @- Diamonds180 (Ewan) - about making a thread about this and HERE IT IS... I have been damn mad about how most girls get support or positive feed back on the forums because of there "beauty" and nothing else like if a guy/boy posted a picture of himself he'd get hardly ANY positive feed back from the girls of mineverse, as I said this has been one of my main concerns of the forums.
It's not right. People may be ugly and get no aupport at all. This thread IS NOT to offend all the pretty girls. It is to help the community understand.
Exactly, I'm fed up of being hated because of my past, if a girl had done what I done they'd be forgiven STRAIGHT away but no nobody forgives me for my past the girls with beauty get's all the credit.
Like yes I DdoSed threat a server & hacked a bit but no if a girl did what I did she'll get another chance because of beauty it's kinda annoying.
Do you realise how horrible that makes me feel? Maybe I did get a lot of support for my personality and skills but apparently that doesn't matter because I have a picture of myself? You've got to be kidding me.
HAVE YOU SEEN HOW MUCH SUPPORT YOU GOT FROM PEOPLE WHO DESIRED YOUR BEAUTY? Jesus christ you know what go do what I did go DdoS threat the server or hack you a$$ off and see if you get a second chance yea? Put your damn self in my shoes.
this is ridiculous man, you're just jelly because you got no support and everyone supported those 3 girls.
Uh, no. Put your damn self in my shoes. People telling me I'm only getting somewhere in life because of my looks? That makes me feel awful. It makes me scared to feel confident enough to post a nice picture of myself on the Internet. No one on my moderator application conmented: "omg you're so pretty, support!'. They commented support because of my app. But apparently that's not the case, all because I feel confident in posting photos.
Really? Ok hold the line here not only me who's annoyed about this, also there is MORE girls who get support because of beauty, so get your facts right before you comment.
Do you read? @- Diamonds180 (Ewan) - said it's unfair, also nobody else has the damn guts to make a thread like this.
I have to say. All 3 of the girls have conquered all the characteristics for moderator. That's why they deserve / got mod. Not by looks at all.
I'm fed up with most girls posting picture of them selfs and getting a heck load of positive feed back then they get support ect but iderfc about support it's just that some of the girl mods got it from support from people who desired there looks.
I'm fed up with your ranting because it's absolute bullsh*t. These 3 females got moderator because they worked hard, not because of their looks. Yeah, they posted a profile picture because they feel like it, I have not seen one, not ONE, "Support, because you are pretty." That would be absolutely stupid. So yeah, think before you post a thread.
Really now? Well maybe if you READ then if you see there profiles the main ones who Supported are people who desire looks, this thread isn't only about FEMALES it's about us guys as well some guys post pics of himself and they get hardly no positive feedback.
Wow you will never last one minute on Instagram. Mate a lot of these girls on here get support because of what their mod app is like, their characteristics and personality and what they are like in game. Not for looks. Like when Cyps promoting he doesn't care about looks.
Do you think CypriotMerkz judges applications on their looks? The player support is something which does contribute but the application itself is also very important. He does know how to separate the popular players from the less-popular.
We literally just had a massive discussion thread about looks/personality.. I'm pretty sure 100% chose personality, so yeah, I don't know what you're on about.