Dear People of MineVerse, I'm leaving. Please see below to read my story I tried very hard to become a moderator on this server. I want to be remembered like Pile and Grayson, but I was never given a chance. I never had the opportunity to show everyone what I was capable of. Hour after hour I worked as hard as I could to help, but I feel like it was useless. Cypriot never even noticed me. I doubt he even knows I exist. So I feel as if I've wasted my time on this server. And I'll let you in on a little secret… every time a new moderator was promoted, I felt like an idiot. For even taking time out of my day to impress the staff members. But they never noticed. And before you comment down below saying that this is stupid and that no one cares if I leave, I want you to know that I'm not quitting because I didn't get mod. I'm quitting because I can't handle the pain that this server has caused me anymore. Sorry. Sorry to disappoint everyone. Sorry to disappoint the staff. Sorry that I'm not good enough to be noticed. I want everyone to know how thankful I am for their support. It meant a lot to me, and I just thought I'd say that. I'm sure I'll come visit sometime in the future, but for now it's goodbye. A special thanks to everyone who believed in me, helped me, and befriended me here: @Coolest_Elephant @winterxisxwhitex @HipsterChick @MaxNinja10 @Chriscraft1008 @BuilderNicky1 @brianjm01 @Discdog1000 @Conor Walton @theminecraftgal6 @Chloyybear4ever @Myrla @treelegs @MADIS0NJR Sorry if I forgot anyone!! Thanks for your time. I'll miss you all. Goodbye
No clue who you are, but I think you are noticed and that you need to wait. If you make a mod app and get people to look at it im sure youll get what youve worked hard for. And dont leave, you should stay because you have many people that like u and you help the community
The pain of regret. I feel as if I've tried to hard for something that Cyp doesn't think I deserve. And goodbye Firo
What firo said, also don't worry. My moderator application was accepted like 6 months spatter I wrote it. You just need to keep persevering to get a possession you really want. Anyway, good bye. :(
I'm sorry but I've made up my mind. Like I said, I've worked too hard for something that Cyp clearly doesn't think I deserve. Thanks though
Savvy, you were a great friend. I remember we had a lot of fun in skype calls and other stuff. Iwill miss you. It's sad to see you go. :(
You kinda sounded like Grayson for a bit there... Anyways, I felt the same way when I applied. But then again, you shouldn't feel that way.
MineVerse has honestly made me depressed. Seeing new mods all the time, it kills me inside. I just don't want to have to go through that pain anymore.
I'm pretty sure it happens to everyone whenever they see new moderators promoted. That's why you don't give up on your dreams/goals.
At first I didn't think I'd ever give up on this goal, but I just can't take it anymore. My depression is bad and I know that this is the cause. I've spent too much time working for something that I'm not going to get.
If you really worked hard to be helpful and belived you were that great, why should you expect something back? I help people every day every hour, do I get noticed by @CypriotMerks or any other staff? no, Do I care? no, I do those things becuase I enjoy being nice and I enjoy being helpful and I don't care at all if some one notice's me because thats not the point. any way good bye
I know you've been trying to get the position non stop. These points are why I have a problem with you leaving because you didn't get moderator. I know you're one of those people that act really good to get a rank on a popular server, Many people do it. I could tell by the way you'd write in chat and then the way you'd write in private message. It was a huge change. You're leaving Mineverse because you didn't get mod. So you don't find Mineverse enjoyable? Okay... How could someone moderate a server when they don't even like it. I personally love the server and all of its game-modes and I applied so I can make the server better. Well goodbye, I'm expecting that you'll probably come back in around... 2 weeks at the max.