Hey guys its Halex, a while ago I had a plot when opprison first came out and after a bit I lost access to it so I made a new one. Recently I have wanted to reclaim the items that were on that first plot but keep my current one so I want to know if I can either just move the items from my old one to my current plot or if a staff member can just give me access to my plot again. Thanks!!! Also proof of me owning 2 plots is below. -Halex https://goo.gl/photos/BSCsFXtqX7n6zA1V8 ps - I have no idea if the link will work if it doesnt just say in a reply. @bananaman11223
it should be a video well i fixed it myself just now with a bit of /p dispose and claim work and transferred the items so i dont care what happens to it now
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