tbh ur super cool and im really glad we are friends! also i love Tokyo ghoul so we gotta talk about that tbh screams umg Connor ive known u fur suh long now and i wuv u suhhhh much! ur one of my closest friends and we've been through so much together! <3 tbh we need to talk more! ur super cute and ive seen some of ur drawings :33 (i think those r urs at least) and also tbh i stalked u on namemc once bc i wanted to see ur skin uwu tbh i DO love u yayayaya ur so so funny and we have so much fun together in teamspeak! we need to hang more :33 tbh ahhh Ellie!!! ur one of my besties and ur part of my infection squad! we've been close evfur since i joined and im so happy i got to know u! lotsa love <3 tbh i dunt know u that well except fur the time u and kenji stalked me and my friend on bedwars but that was fun x33
ahhhh tbh u dunt know me that well but i know a lot about u cause, ya know, im a mega stalker and all that! but kyle ur so funny and ur voice is surpurrisingly deep lol (sorry) and i really wish we talked more bc i can tell if we did, we'd have a ton of fun!
Wow, what you mean surprisingly deep :( I used to be a squeaker to be fair. Message me whenever, I'm down to chat.
tbh i dun't think i know u but by ur comments, u seem super duper nice! we should totally meet up in game sometime soon :33
tbh we had suh much spam with the games we played on the forums it was suh much fun! we got close to 50 but then the mods messed it up fur us ;-; anyways, ur a super fab purrson and super sweet too! <3
tbh i dun't know u all that well but i like starbucks too and i think we could totally be friends :33 u seem super kind and fun to be around! <3
tbh i wuv u lots and lots! <3 and ur one of my closest friends!! ur just a big ol softie even tho u act like a grump grump towards a lot of other people ^3^ i hope we can become closer friends, and i hope u know i'll always help u and be there fur u :33 tbh i know we had a falling out once, but i really hope we're okay now! i have a lot of fun playing with u, and just so u know, my chicken will always be better ;>>>> luv u! <3