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  • I talked whit buycraft, now its whit you i need to talk

    Discussion in 'Help' started by TalkedWhitBuycraft, Jun 17, 2014.

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    1. BlueberryWaffle

      BlueberryWaffle Well-Known Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      If you preform a chargeback you will get banned from the server, and you will be banned from using buycraft on any other server...

      Read the terms and conditions of a donation:

      1) All sales are final and non refundable, you may not buyback, stop, credit the server by any means necessary in order to receive your funds back that of which have been paid. And in doing so we reserve the right to disallow your continued play on the server/forums and not allow further funds to be added or taken away. We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced charge-back. 2) We reserve the right to change, with or without notice, any item price that has been set forth. We also reserve the right to remove perks from players in extreme cases where deemed necessary. In the event that you have paid for an item and such a change occurs, you will not be refunded.

      ALl sales are final and non refundable.
      We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced chargeback.

      You could try charging it back, but the money will probably just end back with Cyp and noobcrew because you would violate the terms and conditions, and you would be banned from using buycraft on any servers. (All buycraft servers tend to share the same terms and conditions)
    2. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Like I said, consequences would occur if you proceeded to do so. You cannot blame us for creating ToS and you disagreeing with them, yet you agreed with them when you donated. You cannot donate without accepting them.

      Good luck with performing an illegal action. :)
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