You have 10 dirt in your inventory. You want to auction the 10 dirt The min. price you want for the dirt is 100$ The first person who bids will give 100$ for it. Now you set the bid increment, this is the amount of money that wil added if more people bid. The bid increment is 5$ now. So this is the command how it looks like in words: /auc 'amount' 'startbid' 'bidincrement' The real command /auc 10 100 5 Do some auctions and you learn fast about it
Yeah follow the above instructions, you may have been having trouble because you were doing 4 numbers in a row for the auction, which isn't possible because of the chat filter.
Type /auc [#of Items] [Starting Price] [Bid Increment] [Time]. Make sure the item in your hand is the item you want to auction. If you do that like an auction you made, just type /auc cancel. But this can't be done when the time of the auction is half over.